Hello there! You’ve found your way to the homepage for “Apartment 6c” a dark, yet humorous tale from the pen (well, keyboard really) of Christopher Kerr. A short indie film. [Coming soon].
“The script’s use of obscenities is a fun blast to its small locales and out of control, but very manageable, characters.”
The Monkey Bread Tree Film Awards
So, if you’d like to learn a little bit more about the team behind the project, you’re definitely in the right place. If you think you’d like to help in the development and production of this short film, can we point you in the direction of our Indiegogo campaign?

Christopher Kerr
Nationality: British, Australian, Pyrate.
An ‘enthusiastic’ cyclist, now returned to the UK, Chris currently skippers the waterways of South-East England. He is accompanied in this endeavour by First-mate Mindi-Schnauzer, and Master-at-arms / heir apparent, Toovey-The-Wonder-dog.
“The Captain” has worked in Post-production on a string of award-winning features over the past 20 years; many of which could have benefited creatively from smaller budgets and stronger scripts.
2017 saw a determined effort to break away from Post, into screenwriting proper – to realise some of his own ideas. This has led to a few awards on the Festival scene, as well as some progress towards self-producing a couple of short films, animations, and a one-shot comic.
Aspires to one day to become a renowned helicopter.

bio goes here

HARRY KERR is a professional photographer and film maker based in the Northwest of Ireland. A former Richard Hough Bursary winner, Scottish Arts Council Artist-in-Residence and staff member of The Glasgow School of Art, his photographic work is held in public and private collections in the UK and America. He has directed, shot and scripted a range of documentaries for artists, commercial clients and community groups.
17 Peel Place